Archive: Autumn 2023
The 5 Rs - key values for discipleship

In the bible, as is still the case now, disciples are people who followed teachers and learnt how to become more like them. As disciples of Jesus, what do we need to focus on to learn from him, hear him and become more like him? 

3 September 2023:
The "5 Rs" - an Introduction


Exodus 20: 1-20


As we start a new sermon series for the Autumn term, thinking about five key values of discipleship, Revd Abby looks at why God gave his people values and commandments to live by and how they are still relevant to us today. 

10 September 2023:
5 Rs - Relationship with Jesus

Ephesians 3: 14-19

John 12: 20-26


We start our look at the key value of relationship by starting where it all starts -  our relationship with Jesus. Revd Abby thinks about the strength that Jesus give us to keep choosing him. Check out some questions to help go deeper too....

17 September 2023:
5 Rs - Relationship with each other

Ephesians 4: 1-16

John 15: 9-17


It's vital for disciples of Jesus that our relationship with him pours into our relationships with other people. Revd John looks at what Paul and John's writings tell us about staying in good relationship with each other. 

24 September 2023: 
5 Rs - Rhythms of prayer and worship

James 5: 13-16

Luke 2: 41-52


Prayer and worship is not just for Sundays... Lou Peet thinks about how prayer and worship can be laced into our everyday lives as we walk with Jesus and listen to God's words in our lives. NB The music is clipped for copyright reasons! 

1 October 2023:
5 Rs - Rhythms of gratitude & giving


2 Corinthians 9: 6-15


As we celebrate Harvest - giving thanks for all that God has given us and all that Jesus has done for us - Revd Abby talks about the rhythms of gratitude and giving that God is calling each of us to (and plants some sweet trees at the same time!) 

15 October 2023: 
5Rs - Roots to be grown in Jesus

Jeremiah 17: 5-8
Luke 24: 13-34


How do we get our roots to grow deeper into Jesus as his followers? What and who are we choosing to let our roots grow into? Revd John thinks about how we can stay rooted in the only One who really sustains us and feeds us.  



8 October 2023: 
5Rs - Our own Roots
Black History Month

Revelation 7: 9-end

Acts 10: 19-35


October is Black History Month, and in that context, Neil Masih thinks about the roots that we bring to our own faith. How do we celebrate our different roots at the same time as recognising we are all God's children? 



22 October 2023: 5Rs - Rest in God's Sabbath

Deuteronomy 5: 12-15

Mark 2: 23-28


Why did God command his people to rest? What does "Sabbath rest" really look like and why does it matter to us as followers of Jesus? Revd Abby looks at what we could gain from taking time to reconnect with God, each other and ourselves. 



29 October 2023: 5Rs - Rest in God's Joy

Romans 15: 5-13

Luke 13: 10-17


How can we find joy in every circumstance? Where and who can we look to for real joy and peace? Revd John thinks about how, even in the hardest of situations, chances to rest in joy can be found and that same joy offered to the world. 



5 November 2023: 5Rs - Release our gifts


Ephesians 4: 11-16


What kinds of gifts has God given us and why do they matter to the body of Christ? Revd Abby takes on a giant tower of blocks in our All Age service and thinks about how all our individual gifts can come together to make a strong, growing church. 



12 November 2023: 5Rs -Remembering together

Ezra 3: 8-13

John 15: 9-17


What does it mean to remember? Revd Abby looks at the story of God's people stepping into a new chapter in their history and thinks about what it might tell us at St Paul's as we step into a new chapter. How can remembering help us go forwards? 



19 November 2023: 5Rs -Released into our calling

1 Thessalonians 5: 16-24

Matthew 4: 18-25


As we come to the end of our series on the values of discipleship, Revd Abby asks what it might mean to follow the call of Jesus in our lives. How are we listening for that call and are we prepared to go where Jesus leads us? 



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