Sermons and Teaching

Want to catch up on sermons you may have missed from St Paul's? 

Or just want to go back over something? 

We are recording lots of talks from our Sunday services, as well as other teaching we offer, to help go back over what God might have to say over the weeks. 

14th July 2024: 
Faith Works: Connection

James 5: 12-20
Luke 6: 27-36


James ends his letter with lots of reasons to pray and lots of ways to pray. Mary Morris delves into this subject, thinking about some of things that connecting with God in prayer can do for us, in us and with us.   



21st July 2024: 
Feast: Five loaves and two fish

Psalm 65
Mark 6: 30-44


We begin our summer sermon series, Feast, thinking about what Jesus did with just five loaves and two fish - feeding more than 5000 people. Bishop Saju asks what little thing Jesus might be asking us to offer to make a big difference. 



7th July 2024: 
Faith Works: Judging or Humility

James 4: 11-17


James has much to say about judging others. Revd Matthew thinks about the temptation we often feel to judge others and whether we are serious about focussing on building others up instead of judging them!  



30th June 2024: 
Faith Works: Making Peace

James 3:13—4:10
Matthew 5: 1-12


James gets tough about our motives and what will bear fruit in the lives of followers of Jesus. Rosie Lee explores what we need to think about to make sure that we make peace and bring Godly wisdom into the situations we find ourselves.  



23rd June 2024: 
Faith Works: Taming the Tongue

James 3: 1-12
Matthew 15: 1-11


Revd Matthew thinks about the impact that our words can have on the world and asks what James has to say about training and taming the tongue. How do our words and attitudes reflect what is in our hearts and heads? 



16th June 2024: 
Faith Works: Faith and Deeds

James 2:14–26
Matthew 17: 14-21


Revd Abby looks at the second of our passages from James - thinking about the tough questions he asks about whether we really do live out the faith we say we have? If we are saved by faith, are we being messages as well as messengers?



9th June 2024: 
Faith Works: Words and Action

James 1: 19-27
Matthew 23: 23-28


Revd John introduces our new sermon series, looking at the lessons from the letter of James. How do we make sure that our words and actions demonstrate our faith? What does James tell us about living out our faith with integrity? 



2nd June 2024: 
Journeys of Faith: Woman at the well

John 4: 7-30


How did Jesus turn a woman's journey from despair and sorrow to hope and faith? Revd Abby thinks about the living water that Jesus offered her and offers all of us - where do we need his everlasting love and gentle transformation? 



26th May 2024: 
Journeys of Faith: Nehemiah

Nehemiah 2: 1-18
Acts 15: 12-18


Nehemiah's heart's desire was to rebuild the walls around Jerusalem and he had the audacity to ask to go and do it. Revd Matthew asks what God might be calling us to rebuild from ruins and whether we are bold enough to try.



19th May 2024: 
Journeys of Faith: Pentecost

Acts 2: 1-21
John 15: 26-27, 16: 4b-15


The day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit fell on the followers of Jesus in Jerusalem, was full of different kinds of journeys. Revd Abby asks what journey of mission or transformation the Holy Spirit might be kick-starting in each of us today.



12th May 2024: 
Journeys of Faith: Ruth

Ruth 1: 3-22
Matthew 1: 1-6


How do you go from being a destitute widow, following a beloved mother-in-law, to the great-grandmother of King David and named in the genealogy of Jesus? Revd Matthew talks about the amazing journey of faith Ruth took. 



5th May 2024: 
Journeys of Faith: Jonah

Jonah 2 and 3


Jonah discovered that you can't run away from God when he has a plan for you. Revd Abby asks what the story of his journeys says about second chances - the ones we get from God and the ones, like Jonah, we are meant to offer to others. 



Archived sermon series

Catch up with whole sermon series at the following links, as this page changes each week....


Autumn 2023: The 5 Rs - key values for discipleship

Spring 2024: Journeys of Faith

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