Sermons and Teaching

Want to catch up on sermons you may have missed from St Paul's? 

Or just want to go back over something? 

We are recording lots of talks from our Sunday services, as well as other teaching we offer, to help go back over what God might have to say over the weeks. 

5th May 2024: 
Journeys of Faith: Jonah

Jonah 2 and 3


Jonah discovered that you can't run away from God when he has a plan for you. Revd Abby asks what the story of his journeys says about second chances - the ones we get from God and the ones, like Jonah, we are meant to offer to others. 



28th April 2024: 
Journeys of Faith: Moses

Exodus 14: 10-31
John 3: 11-15


Moses was sent on a very big journey by God - and it started by being chased by Pharoah's armies. What does Moses's story teach us about trust and letting God lead us? Rosie helps us think about what this might mean.  



21st April 2024: 
Journeys of Faith: Abraham

Genesis 12: 1-9
John 8: 31-40


God called Abraham to follow him on a unexpected journey into an unknown land. Revd John asks what this journey might teach us about God's promises and faithfulness, even when we don't know where we are being led. 



14th April 2024: 
Journeys of Faith: Road to Emmaus

1 John 3: 1-7
Luke 24: 13-35


As we begin our new sermon series, looking at some of the journeys of faith we see in the bible, we think about a 7 mile trip that two disciples took - from disappointment to hope. What does this mean for our journeys with Jesus?



7th April 2024: 
Easter 2 - Seeing is believing

John 20: 19-31


Can we believe without seeing? Or when it comes to the power of the risen Jesus, do we need to believe to see him working all around us? Revd Abby thinks about Thomas's story and how he needed to see Jesus to believe. What does that mean for us?



31st March 2024: 
Easter Sunday - Jesus is risen!

Acts 10: 34-43
John 20: 1-18


As we celebrate Jesus rising again, defeating death and sin, Revd Matthew reminds us that throughout Holy Week, we have seen people witnessing to the power of the resurrection - just like Mary, Peter and John did on that first Easter Day.



24th March 2024: 
Palm Sunday - Holy Week begins

Psalm 118: 19-end
Mark 11: 1-11


As Holy Week begins, Revd Abby asks us to put ourselves in the story of Palm Sunday. Jesus is riding into Jerusalem as a victorious King - how do we feel about meeting him as he makes his way into the city and into the events of this week? 



17th March 2024: 
The fifth Sunday of Lent

Jeremiah 31: 31-34
John 12: 20-36


As the events of Holy Week approach, Lou remembers Jesus's words about losing our lives to gain them and letting a grain of wheat die in order to bear more fruit. What does this mean for us? What should we be laying down to bear fruit?



10th March 2024: 
Mothering Sunday with baptisms

Exodus 2: 1-10
Luke 2: 33-40


As we celebrate those who mother us and welcome two newly baptised members of God's family, Revd Abby remembers Anna's example of encouragement to Mary, and prayer support for her community. Who might we be called to be an Anna to? 



3rd March 2024: 
The third Sunday of Lent

John 2: 13-22


Revd Abby thinks about Jesus's righteous anger when he found the temple being used in the wrong way for the wrong reasons. What are we passionate about and is God using that anger to call us to do something about the problem? 



25th February 2024: The second Sunday of Lent

Psalm 22: 23-end
Mark 8:31-end


We continue with our Lent readings, thinking about how Psalm 22 speaks prophetically about Jesus's death. Revd John looks at the parallels and what this might mean for us as we journey with Jesus towards Holy Week.



Archived sermon series

Catch up with whole sermon series at the following links, as this page changes each week....


Autumn 2023: The 5 Rs - key values for discipleship

12th May 2024: 
Journeys of Faith: Ruth

Ruth 1: 3-22
Matthew 1: 1-6


How do you go from being a destitute widow, following a beloved mother-in-law, to the great-grandmother of King David and named in the genealogy of Jesus? Revd Matthew talks about the amazing journey of faith Ruth took. 



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